AUTODIDACTICA A Chronicle of Cars and Books

Autodidactica 3Autodidactica

Texts by Ellen Bass, Francisco X. Alarcón, Elba R. Sánchez, Yves Peyré, and
Guillermo Gómez-Peña
Letterpress, relief, and pochoir techniques with images by Enrique Chagoya, Robert Chiarito, Felicia Rice, and Ray Rice

Limited edition of 40
Scroll book with magnetic clasp: 9” x 49.5”
Box: 4”x 4” x 9”
$250 out of print due to 8/20 fire

Side 1
AUTODIDACTICA displays Felicia Rice’s evolving aesthetic concerns (typographic, illustrative, structural) and exploration of content (poetry and performance scripts from a range of constituencies with a primary focus on Latino culture), from 1980-2014. It begins with an excerpt from Ellen Bass’ FOR EARTHLY SURVIVAL, and includes reproductions of the pages from five subsequent books.

Side 2
Here Felicia’s drawings of her cars over the past decades are overprinted on a collage of encyclopedia pages. Each car has a story relating to the development of the press and its publications. These stories are presented in performance by Felicia Rice. Dates of upcoming performances to be announced.