Beau Beausoleil is a white poet and activist who has written this series of poems in response to the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer on May 25, 2020. These poems stand in solidarity with the demonstrations against systemic racism around the world. Please share this broadside widely, A Summary of Guidelines […]

LATINX / CHICANX / POETX Broadside Series

Many of the contributors to this series are donating broadsides to folks who give to local bail funds and mutual aid/support services such as ARC Bail Fund, National Lawyers Guild, Mariposas Sin Fronteras, and others, to support arrested protestors, Black and Brown communities, and migrant/refugees in LGBTQ communities. Select broadsides from this series are available […]


Essay by T.J. Demos, “Against Extraction” Images by Felicia Rice Publication date: June 1, 2020 (75% of edition destroyed in 8/20 fire)   About the book The Necropolitics of Extraction is a contribution to the CODEX Foundation’s project, EXTRACTION: Art on the Edge of the Abyss. It is the outcome of a collaboration with T.J. […]

CALIFAS The Ancestral Journey / El Viaje Ancestral :: The Book

  Find the complete description and schedule of the entire Califas Legacy Project — documentary videos, exhibitions, community programming, online resources, as well as the book — at Museo Eduardo Carrillo here. This page focusses on the artists’ book co-published by Moving Parts Press and Museo Eduardo Carrillo. Moving Parts Press, together with Museo Eduardo […]

DOC/UNDOC trade edition

  DOC/UNDOC Documentado/Undocumented Ars Shamánica Performática Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Jennifer González, Felicia Rice, Gustavo Vazquez, Zachary James Watkins Paperback with USB drive of sound and video 8.25″ x 12.25″ 88 pages ISBN 978-0-87286-7208 $35 Order here. The journey of DOC/UNDOC continues with the publication of a widely accessible, affordable book that not only documents the original […]


Poem by Lynne Ellis – Winner of the 2018 Red Wheelbarrow Poetry Prize Relief print by Felicia Rice Limited edition of 48 12 1/2″ x 22″ $25 More broadsides of poems by Lynne Ellis are available on this site at A Virus Held Us: Poems of the Pandemic. Unlimited access to digital broadsides to post and […]


  BORDERBUS Poem by Juan Felipe Herrera Prints by Felicia Rice Introduction by Carmen Giménez Smith About the book Review in Parenthesis 37, Autumn 2019 Review in Latino Book Review, August 2019 Article in UCSC NewsCenter, February 2019 BORDERBUS is a rendering of one long poem by  Juan Felipe Herrera. The poem takes place on […]


Poems by Beau Beausoleil Prints by Felicia Rice Edition of 55, signed and numbered 6 1/4″ x 14″ 32 pages $250 out of print due to 8/20 fire THE LONG DISTANCE is a limited edition artists book of seventeen poems by San Francisco poet, Beau Beausoleil. These spare narrow poems are written in the winter margins of love, […]

The Long Distance

Poems by Beau BeausoleilPrints by Felicia Rice Setting Type there were lettersin some wordsthat pleased her letters that she actuallyhad an affection for and she often figured outthe afternoon in letters writing them down on the backof a torn envelope creating a set path for theminto her life she had learned that some letterscould be […]