“I like the fact that Yves Peyré, in his poems, uses short lines, short stanzas, which cut off discourse, but help—by incessantly returning—fill the spirit’s need to seek truth.” —Yves Bonnefoy Jour de lettres (numéro 20, juin-septembre 1997) French poet Yves Peyré has composed five poems, a sequence that carries the poet himself and his generation through […]

COSMOGONIE INTIME Elizabeth R. Jackson

français Elizabeth R. Jackson, scholar and translator of French literature, is a Professor Emerita of San Diego State University. She has published extensively on French poetry and the French modern novel, including a translation of works by the Surrealist poet Benjamin Péret, A Marvelous World (LSU Press, 1985) and Meidosems by Henri Michaux (Moving Parts […]

COSMOGONIE INTIME E.R. Jackson, traducteur

English Elizabeth R. Jackson est Professeur Emerita à San Diego State University en Californie. Ses ouvrages critiques comprennent des ouvrages concernant plusieurs poètes français, d’André Chénier jusqu’aux poètes surréalistes du vingtième siècle ainsi que les romanciers modernes, Proust et Gide. Parmi ses traductions figurent un choix de textes de l’écrivain surréaliste Benjamin Péret, A Marvelous […]


français Felicia Rice is a book artist, typographer, printer and publisher whose work has earned her many honors. She lectures and exhibits internationally, and her books can be found in collections from the Whitney Museum of American Art to the Bodleian Library. COSMOGONIE INTIME An Intimate Cosmogony Drawings and Bookwork In 1973, at nineteen, I determined […]

COSMOGONIE INTIME Felicia Rice « artiste du livre »

English Felicia Rice est une « artiste du livre » (« book artist »), typographe, imprimeur et éditrice. Ses ouvrages lui ont valu plusieurs distinctions honorifiques. Elle a participé à des conférences et des expositions aux Etats-Unis et à l’étranger. Les livres qu’elle compose font partie de collections qu’on peut voir au Whitney Museum of […]

COSMOGONIE INTIME An Intimate Cosmogony

français POEMS Yves Peyré TRANSLATION Elizabeth R. Jackson DRAWINGS Ray Rice BOOKWORK Felicia Rice CRITICAL COMMENTARY Rosemary Lloyd French poet Yves Peyré has composed five poems, a sequence that carries the poet himself and his generation through time and space, touching base regularly to evoke a familiar name, a place, a far-gone era. These poems […]


English POÈMES Yves Peyré LA TRADUCTION Elizabeth R. Jackson DESSINS Ray Rice EBAUCHE ET COMPOSITION Felicia Rice COMMENTAIRE CRITIQUE Rosemary Lloyd DESCRIPTION Yves Peyré a écrit cinq poèmes. La suite qu’ils composent transporte le poète et ses contemporains dans divers temps et divers espaces. Par moments il évoque des noms familiers: un individu, un lieu, […]