My first book published while still in high school to fund my college education. Ha! My mother was an incredible optimist who believed deeply in cottage industry.

Jasper Rose - Bill Everson - Jack Stauffacher
Three men - teachers - who influenced me deeply, not just as a college student, but for decades thereafter.

Sherwood Grover
A wonderful photo of a wonderful man and pressman at work at the Grabhorn Press.

Adrian Wilson
Adrian at work in the press at Tuscany Alley in San Francisco. I was lucky enough to be called in to help him and his apprentices meet a difficult deadline one fall.

The first Moving Parts Press publication, poems by Ellen Bass, 1980.

Gary Young
A dear friend, poet, printer and colleague. We were collaborating wildly before we thought to use the world.

Donald Weygandt
The experience of working with this printer/painter was one of the most satisfying ever.

Elizabeth R. Jackson
Translator from the French of two Moving Parts' publications, MEIDOSEMS and COSMOGONIE INTIME.

Francisco X. Alarcón and Elba Rosario Sánchez
Lovely collaborators and colleagues who I met as faculty at UCSC.

Elba Sánchez's poems and Robert Chiarito's drawings come together in this second in the Literatura Chicana/Latina Series, published in 1992. Produced under my direction by UCSC students.

COSMOGONIE INTIME developing images
I spent four years adding color to 84 books, based on the deluxe edition of 12 hand-painted by the artist.

The drawings for COSMOGONIE INTIME closely drew on the imagery in the poems and the totemic strip paintings Ray had been producing in the 90s.